Precautions You Should Take While Dining in Restaurants after Circuit Breaker

  1. Keep a 1m distance from other diners in the queue and abide by the no-seating rules for some chairs

All restaurants have rearranged their dining arrangement so that it complies with the government regulations of a 1metre distance from the other tables. Tapes have been also placed on the ground on the waiting queue according to the 1metre distance gap between one another in front and behind them.

Customers should always abide by the rules and regulations. Do not insist on sitting on a chair or wanting the table that has already been crossed out due to insufficient safe distance.

  1. Put your mask on except when you are eating or drinking

Customers should always put their masks on except when they are eating or drinking. This is so to safeguard themselves as well as others, minimising the time of contact that they are exposed in the same environment. Upon entering the restaurant, to ordering, and waiting for their food to be served, it is ideal to put their masks on before their food arrives and are ready to dig in.

  1. Limit amount of time spent in restaurant

Dining in a restaurant is a freedom but we should always play it safe by limiting the amount of time spent in the restaurant. This does not necessarily mean to leave the restaurant straight after you have finished eating. It refers to being responsible for your own health, and not prolong staying in the restaurant for hours and idle. You can have a short chat or conversation with your friends and family, but try to not keep it too long. This is an extra precaution measure that you might want to take note of.

  1. Wash and Sanitize your hands whenever you can, especially before and after eating

Almost all restaurants provide hand sanitizers in their restaurant. You should use them whenever you can. Before digging in, wash your hands thoroughly to prevent any germs from contaminating your food or drinks. It is exceptionally important to take care of one’s hygiene during this period. Washing your hands is more ideal than just sanitizing. It would be the best if you wash and then sanitize your hands after. Additionally, you should always keep a hand sanitizer with you around so that you can use them whenever and wherever you want.

  1. Do not leave your house if you feel unwell

You should not leave your house if you feel unwell even if you do not have a fever. Having sickness such as flu, cough, headache, stomach ache, is also not ideal to dine in a restaurant even on a daily basis. This is to prevent infection of your illness to the public who may be vulnerable to getting the sickness too. You should instead see a doctor, take your medication and recuperate at home. For yourself and everyone else, play a part in doing the right thing.

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